Back to the Future

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barack Obama is my President! :)

Tuesday was quite a nerve-racking day. I voted for Obama, then went to the Fair family's basement to wonder how I will arrange my new living area. I'm going to miss my apartment, but I just can't afford to live there next semester while I'm student teaching. Then I sat in front of the TV from 7-12 and watched the election. I am so happy and relieved that Barack Obama is President! And his acceptance speech was phenomenal! I cried so much! Surprisingly, I was impressed with McCain's consenting speech. Thank God they didn't let Palin speak; she would have screwed it up somehow.

In other news, I learned how to knit while watching the election! Yay! Maybe I'll have a scarf by next year! haha

Oh yeah...I videotaped my lesson and I am officially done with observing for Methods! Thank goodness! Although, my video footage is crappy. Just because I had to use an ancient camera from the library at Central. Oh well, I hope Mrs. Fair (not related to mentioned family above) enjoys it! :)

I can't wait for Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

You have to leave your apartment? Boo.

Yay for no more observing!